
Game Club

In an effort to take on more responsibility this year I have decided to start a game club. A game club provides opportunities for students to read and speak English, improving their overall communication skills (especially when a dispute is settled by referring to the direction booklet!). This is a chance for students to practice English in a low-stress environment, reducing their inhibitions to speak naturally.

I have a couple of chess sets and playing cards to get me started, but I need some help through donations of games. I would like to get some more "board" and "strategy" games, specifically (1) Settlers of Catan and (2) Monopoly, but any board games are welcome. Anyone willing to send games can contact me about this via email (fn0112358@gmail.com).

Also - if someone has a connection with someone who works at a game store or company and they might be able to get a deal please let me know.

Many, many thanks.

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